Wednesday, February 24, 2010

USA Team in Tambunan

TAMBUNAN Site, the moment with the Tambunan homeowner Puan Jorinah Motogor. The USA Team really work hard helping to built a decent house to the needy..

Beringgis Site

USA Team On the 1st Day in Kampung Beringgis Papar. Fresh and FuLL of energy..

USA Team

Fantastic Progress work!They are Hardworking and very tough man.SYABAS to USA GV Team to site in Kampung Kokol Menggatal.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

13th Homeowner Dedication

Home Dedication at Encik Willie Victor Jousip in Kampung Natai Telipok.Madam President Habitat For Humanity Kota Kinabalu handing over the key to Encik Willie Victor Jousip witnessed by his wife, children and the Team BOD Member Hope Hurlbut and Mary Chai and staff of Habitat.

12th Dedication Home

Joanna,Habitat President handing over the Bible from Habitat for Humanity to the homeowner, the Mulalang's wife, Puan Tulian Angela Bongul. She is ver happy with her new house. Puan Angela expressed her gratitude to habitat because showed the way to move forward.